Hugo Health for research
The definitive real-world data platform

Meet your all-in-one turnkey solution for participant-centered research.
Partnerships with people reduce costs for research, trials, and registries while providing more accurate real-world data collection.
Eliminate delays
Streamlined data collection from multiple sources. Your old data delays are a thing of the past.
Virtual enrollment
Screen and enroll remotely. As long as there’s an internet connection, you’re good to go.
Digital participant consent review and signature. Complete with date stamp, secondary signatures, and participant identity verification.
Clinical data with automatic updates
Participant-linked patient portals provide ongoing feed of clinical data.
Secure participant-reported data
Deliver customized surveys or validated questionnaires for a new channel of communication and engagement with study participants.
Participant-generated data
Fitness trackers, connected devices, and other sensors can supplement longitudinal records.
Utilize digital data
Lose the antiquated paper data collection process. This is next-gen data, straight from the source.
Manage e-data flow
Identify and evaluate participant connectivity issues as they happen.
Visualize engagement
Track enrollment, response rates, and feedback in real-time.
Intelligent data standarization
Ingested data is normalized for improved integrity. Then data is harmonized with de-duplication, automated ontology mapping, and multi-site integration. All ready for your analysis.
Recent studies
A few examples of recent and ongoing work with leading researchers and federal agencies
Private Philanthropy Sponsored
Yale LISTEN Study: "Listen to Immune, Symptom and Treatment Experiences Now" to understand Long Covid, post-vaccine injuries and the corresponding immune responses by collecting information about symptoms and medical history from participants who are members of a patient community
Visit Yale School of Medicine LISTENFDA Sponsored
Real-World Data to Assess Variation in Opioid Prescribing and Use for Acute Pain in Diverse Populations
Read on FDA.govFDA Sponsored
Effect of Wearable Devices on Patient-Reported Outcomes and Clinical Utilization: A Randomized, Controlled Trial
Read on NESTccFDA Sponsored
Randomized Controlled Trial Examining Real-World Effectiveness of a Prescription Digital Therapeutic for the Treatment of Insomnia and Depression
Read on NESTccCDC Sponsored
Innovative Support for Patients with SARSCOV2 Infections (INSPIRE) Registry

Better relationships. Better data. Better progress.